Language Reference

Command-Line Parameters

xs can either be called with no arguments to start up the REPL, or passed one argument: the path of the script to execute.


Below is the EBNF grammar for xs:

char = ..
digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9";
letter = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G"
    | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N"
    | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U"
    | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" | "a" | "b"
    | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i"
    | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p"
    | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w"
    | "x" | "y" | "z" ;
ws = " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r";

oper = one_or_more_of "|+=!@#$%^&*-_\\/?~<>,:'";
individual_oper = ("[" | "]" | ".");
integer = {digit};
float = integer, ".", integer;
identifier = {letter}, {digit};
quote = "`",  identifier;
booleans = {"0" | "1"}, "b";
null = "0n" | "0N";
string = "\"", {char}, "\"";
fn = "(", {expr}, ")";
infix_fn = "{", {expr}, "}";
expr = {{ws}, (float | integer | identifier | quote | boolean | null | string | fn | infix_fn)};

A valid identifier is either a letter followed by one or more letters and numbers or a symbol (oper in the grammar) repeated one or more times, such as %%% or $. Note that one is not allowed to define an operator such as %# as each of these symbols will be parsed seperately. [, ], and . will always be parsed individually, even if not seperated by whitespace.

Data Types





61-bit integer type



64-bit floating point type



Boolean type



Symbol type



String type



Function type



List type

[1 2 3]


I/O handle

h:open `R “foo.txt”


Null type


Though not a distinct data-type (though it might be in the future), there’s special syntactic sugar for boolean lists:

xs> type 1011b
0: `L

`1011b is equivalent to [1b 0b 1b 1b].


xs is parsed top to bottom, left to right. Each line or expression is seperated by a semicolon. The following shows the equivalency between various expressions:

f; g; h -> h g f
f g; h -> g f h
a b; c d; -> b a d c


xs is dynamically scoped instead of lexically scoped. This means that an evaluated identifier will look for its definition in the current running context instead of the lexical context:

xs> f:(x)
xs> (x:5; f).
0: 5

Take care to not inadvertantly access variables defined in the caller’s scope.


neg unary negative

neg {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Unary negative of a value, broadcasts across lists.

+ addition

{Z | R | L} + {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Add two values together. Broadcasts across lists.

- substraction

{Z | R | L} - {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Subtract two values. Broadcasts across lists.

* multiplication

{Z | R | L} * {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Multiply two values. Broadcasts across lists.

% division

{Z | R | L} % {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Divide two values. Broadcasts across lists.

mod modulus

{Z | R | L} mod {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Remainder of two values. Broadcasts across lists.

** power

{Z | R | L} ** {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Power of two values. Broadcasts across lists.

ln natural logarithm

ln {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Natural logarithm, broadcasts across lists.

sin sine

sin {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Sin, broadcasts across lists.

cos cosine

cos {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Cosine, broadcasts across lists.

tan tangent

tan {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Tangent, broadcasts across lists.

sum sum of list

sum L -> {Z | R}

Finds the sum of a list:

xs> sum til 5
0: 10

sums partial sums of list

sums L -> L

Returns the partial sums of the list:

xs> sums til 5
0: [0 1 3 6 10]

prod product of list

prod L -> {Z | R}

Find the product of all elements in a list:

xs> prod 1+til 4
0: 24

prods partial products of list

prods L -> L

Returns the partial sums of the list:

xs> prods til 1+til 4
0: [1 2 6 24]

abs absolute value

abs {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Find the absolute value of a number or list:

xs> abs (til 10) - 10
0: [10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]

ceil ceiling

ceil {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Find the ceiling of a number or list:

xs> ceil 3.2
0: 4

floor floor

floor {Z | R | L} -> {Z | R | L}

Find the floor of a number or list:

xs> floor 3.2
0: 3

Boolean and Conditionals

== equals

x == y -> B

Test equality between two values.

< less than

x < y -> B

Return 1b if the first argument is less than the second, otherwise 0b.

> greater than

x > y -> B

Returns 1b if the first argument is greater than the second, otherwise 0b.

gq greater or equal

x gq y -> B

Returns 1b if the first argument is greater or equal to the second, otherwise 0b.

lq less or equal

x lq y -> B

Return 1b if the first argument is less than or equal to the second, otherwise 0b.

&& And

B && B -> B

Logical and operation.

|| Or

B || B -> B

Logical or.

if if expression

if cond:B f:F g:F -> {f. | g.}

Evaluate f if cond is 1b, otherwise evaluates. g.

cond multiple conditional

cond [(cond_a: F) (f: F) (cond_b: F) (g: F) ... (h: F)] -> {f. | g. | h. ...}

Take a list of functions and tests each condition in order, executing the corresponding function if the condition is true. Note that only one function is ever executed and that the length of the list given to cond must be odd.

xs> x:3; cond [(x==0) ("hello") (x==2) ("goodbye") ("world")]
0: "world"

every tests all true

every {L | B} -> B

Return true if the given boolean is true or if the given list only contains 1b.

any any true

any {L | B} -> B

Return true if the given boolean is true or if the given list contains at least one 1b.

cmp comparison

x:* cmp y:* -> {-1 | 0 | 1}

Return -1 if x is less than y, 0 if x equals y, and 1 if x is greater than y.

Stack Manipulation

dup duplicate element

dup x:* -> x x

Duplicate the top element of the stack.

swap swap elements

swap x:* y:* -> y x

Swap x and y on the Stack.

drop drop value

drop A -> ()

Discard the top element of the stack.

Function Application

. apply

x:* . -> x.

If x is a symbol, look up the value and call it if a function, push onto the stack otherwise. If x is a function literal, call x, if x is any other value, simply push x onto the stack.

$ swap and apply

f $ x y -> f. y x

Swap x and y and then apply f.


: set/print

{Q | L} : x... -> ()

Take a symbol or a list of symbols and bind them to the corresponding values on the stack:

xs> x:5; x;
0: 5

xs> ([`x`y]):3 5; x y;
1: 5
0: 3

If given a null instead of a symbol, : will print out the value to stdout:

xs> 0n:"Hello, World!"
"Hello, World!"

~ peek set/print

{Q | L} : x... -> x...

~ binds a variable or multiple variables to the local context much like :, except the value is not popped off the stack:

xs> x+x~5
0: 10

xs> ([`x`y])~2 3; x+y+ +.
0: 10

Likewise, if given a null, ~ will print out the value(s) to stdout:

xs> 0n~5
0: 5

:: reassign

{Q | L} :: x... -> ()

Resassign a variable that already has a definition. Allows the user to modify variables outside the local scope:

xs> x:5; (x::3); x
0: 3

Iterators and Accumulators

' map

f:F ' xs:L -> L

Apply f to each element of xs:

xs> (2*)'til 3
0: [0 2 4]

'' map2

f:F '' xs:L ys:L -> L

Apply f to each pair of values from xs and ys. The length of xs and ys must be equal. Example:

xs> (+.)''til 5 til 5
0: [0 2 4 6 8]

/ fold

f:F / xs:L -> *

Fold f over xs:

xs> +/til 4
0: 10

\ scan

f:F \ xs:L -> *

Fold f over xs, keeping each partial fold:

xs> +\til 4
0:[0 1 3 6]

fix fixpoint

fix f:F x:*-> *

Successively apply f on x until two sucessive values equal each other or one value equals the starting value x:

xs>(x:; x%2) fix 6
0: 0

fixes partial fixpoints

fixes f:F x:* -> L

Successively apply f on x until two sucessive values equal each other or one value equals the starting value x while keeping intermediate values:

xs> (x:; x%2) fixes 6
0: [6 3 1 0]

do iteration

x:{F | Z} do f:F -> *

Apply the function f either x times if x is an integer; if a function, until x returns 0b:

xs> 3 do ("hello")
2: "hello"
1: "hello"
0: "hello"

List and String

[] make list

[] are special functions that can be used to create a new list:

xs> [[1 2] [3 4]]
0: [[1 2] [3 4]]

enlist make list

n:Z enlist x... -> L

Create a list from the top n elements from the stack:

xs> 3 enlist 1 2 3
0:[1 2 3]

^ delist

^ L -> x...

Convert a list into elements on the stack:

xs> ^[1 2 3]
2: 3
1: 2
0: 1

til construct numbered list

til n:Z -> L

Construct a list between 0 and n (exclusive):

xs> til 4
[0 1 2 3]

len length of list

len xs:{L | S} -> Z

Return the length of xs:

xs> len til 3
0: 3

xs> len "abc"
0: 3

flip flip list

flip {L | S} -> L

Flip a multidimensional list across its first two dimensions. In the case of a list with only one dimension (or a string), creates a column vector:

xs> flip [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]]
0: [[1 3 5] [2 4 6]]

xs> flip til 3
0: [[0] [1] [2]]

xs> flip ["abc" "abc" "abc"]
0: ["aaa" "bbb" "ccc"]

xs> flip "abc"
0: ["a" "b" "c"]

rev reverse

rev {L | S} -> {L | S}

Reverse the given list or string:

xs> rev til 3
0:[2 1 0]

xs> rev "abc"

, concatenate

x:* | y:* -> L

Concatenate two values. If both x and y are lists, append them; if both are atoms, create a list with two elements; if one is a list and one an atom, cons the value onto the front or back of the list:

xs> 3,4
0:[3 4]

xs> 3,[1 2]
0: [3 1 2]

xs> ([1 2]),3
0: [1 2 3]

xs> ([1 2]),[3 4]
0: [1 2 3 4]

xs> "foo","bar"
0: "foobar"

,, cons

x:* ,, xs:L -> L
xs:L ,, x:* -> L

places x at the head or end of xs:

xs> 3,,[1 2]
0: [3 1 2]

xs> ([3]),,[1 2]
0: [[3] 1 2]

xs> ([1 2]),,3
0: [1 2 3]

lower lowercase string

lower S -> S

Lowercase the given string:

xs> lower "ABC"
0: "abc"

upper uppercase string

upper S -> S

Uppercase the given string:

xs> upper "abc"
0: "ABC"

Indexing, Reshaping, Changing

@ get

{L | Z} @ {L| S} -> *

Take an index or list of indices and return either the single element stored at that index or a list containing the elements at the given indices, modulo the length of the list:

xs> 2@til 3
0: 2

xs> 4@[1 2]
0: 1

xs> ([1 3])@[5 2 7]
0: [2 5]

? find

{* | L | S} ? {L | S} -> {* | L}

Find the element(s) in the list or string and return the corresponding indices:

xs> 3?[5 3 2]
0: 1

xs> ([3 2])?[5 3 2]
0: [1 2]

xs> "hll"?"hello"
0: [0 2 2]

If the element cannot be found, ? returns the length of the list:

xs> 10?til 4
0: 4

Note that ? always returns the index of the first found element.


where x:L -> L

Return a list containing, for each item of x, that number of copies of its index:

xs> where [1 2 3]
0: [0 1 1 2 2 2]

xs> where [0b 1b 0b 1b]
0: [1 3]

Where is often used in conjunction with @ to select out certain elements from a list. For example, if we wanted to get all even numbers between 0 and 10:

xs> (where (0==mod$ 2)'x)@x~til 10
0: [0 2 4 6 8]

# take

n:Z # xs:{L | S |  *} -> {L | S}

Take n elements from xs. If n is positive, take from the front of the xs, if negative, take from the back:

xs> 2#til 5
0: [0 1]

xs> (neg 2)#til 5
0: [3 4]

If n is greater than the length of xs, # wraps around as needed:

xs> 5#til 3
0: [0 1 2 0 1]

If xs is not a list or string, create a list containing n copies of xs:

xs> 5#3
0: [3 3 3 3 3]

_ drop

n:Z _ xs:{L | S} -> {L | S}

Drop n elements from xs. If n is positive, drop from the front of the list, otherwise drop from the end:

xs> 2_til 5
0: [2 3 4]

xs> (neg 2)_til 5
0: [0 1 2]

xs> 6_til 5
0: []

cut reshape

x:{Z | L} cut y:{L | S} -> L

If x is a integer, cut every x element:

xs> 3 cut til 10
0: [[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8] [9]]

xs> 2 cut "abcd"
0: ["ab" "cd"]

If x is a list, cut at the indices:

xs> ([2 4]) cut til 10
0: [[2 3] [4 5 6 7 8 9]]

xs> ([2 4]) cut "abcdefg"
0: ["cd" "efg"]

cat concatenate all

cat xs:L -> {L | S}

Fold , over xs:

xs> cat ["a" "b" "c"]
0: "abc"

xs> cat [1 2 3]
0: [1 2 3]

xs> cat [[1 2] [3 4]]
0: [1 2 3 4]

cats partial concatenate all

cats xs:L -> L

Scan . over xs:

xs> cats [[1 2] [3 4]]
0: [[1 2] [1 2 3 4]]

xs> cats ["a" "b" "c"]
0: ["a" "ab" "abc"]

Set Operations

in contains

x:{L | *} in L -> xs:{L | B}

Returns a boolean or list of booleans indicating whether the element(s) were found in xs:

xs> 5 in til 10
0: 1b

xs> ([5 10 2]) in til 10
0: 101b

xs> "ac" in "abc"
0: 11b

inter intersection

x:{L | S} inter y:{L | S} -> {L | S}

Find the intersection of x and y:

xs> "ac" inter "ab"
0: "a"

xs> ([2 5 3]) inter [2 4 3]
0: [2 3]


x:{L | S | *} union y:{L | S} -> {L | S}

Find the union of x and y:

xs> 3 union til 2
0: [0 1 3]

xs> ([1 2]) union [3 4]
0: [1 2 3 4]

xs> "ab" union "ac"
0: "abc"

uniq unique elements

uniq {L | S | *} -> {L | S}

Return a list of unique elements. If given an atom instead of a string or a list, return a list containing that atom:

xs> uniq 3
0: [3]

xs> uniq [1 2 1 3]
0: [1 2 3]

xs> uniq "aabccc"
0: "abc"


asc sort ascending

asc x:{L | S | *} -> {L | S}

Sort x from smallest to largest. If x is an atom, return a list with just one element:

xs> asc 4
0: [4]

xs> asc rev til 4
0:[0 1 2 3]

xs> asc "csa"
0: "acs"

dsc sort descending

dsc x:{L | S | *} -> {L | S}

Sort x from largest to smallest. If x is an atom, return a list with just one element:

xs> dsc 4
0: [4]

xs> dsc til 4
0: [3 2 1 0]

xs> dsc "csa"
0: "sca"

sort custom sort

f:F sort {L | S} -> {L | S}

Sort using comparison function f. f must return either -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the first argument is smaller than, equal to, or greater than the second argument. cmp sort is identical to asc:

xs> cmp sort [3 1 2]
0: [1 2 3]

xs> cmp sort "bca"
0: "abc"

xs> ((neg 1)*cmp.) sort [3 1 2]
0: [3 2 1]


of type conversion

q:Q of x:* -> *

Convert x to the type specified by q. For a list of valid q values, Check out the list of data types at the beginning of this reference manual. Examples:

xs> `R of 5
0: 5.00000

xs> `L of "abc"
0: ["a" "b" "c"]

xs> `S of `hello
0: "hello"


type x:* -> Q

Return the type of x:

xs> type 5.2
0: `F

xs> type "ab"
0: `S

xs> type til 5
0: `L

sv scalar from vector

x:S sv xs:L -> S

Take a string and a list of strings and return a string from the concatenation of xs interspersed with x:

xs> ", " sv ["hello" "world"]
0: "hello, world"
Todo: in the future, this function will do other scalar from vector

operations as well.

vs vector from scalar

x:S vs y:S -> L

Break up the list y into a list, using x as a seperator:

xs> ", " vs "hello, world"
0: ["hello" "world"]
Todo: in the future, this function will do other vector from scalar

operations as well.


open open file

{`r | `w | `a} open f:S -> H

Open a file specified by the filepath f in read (`r), write (`w), or append (`a) mode and return a handle to tha file.

read read data

n:Z read {H | 0} -> S

Read n characters from either stdin (0), or a file handle that was opened in read mode.

write write data

x:S write {H | 1 | 2} -> ()

Write x to either stdout (1), stderr (2), or the given file handle.

seek change file position

i:Z seek {0 | 1 | 2 | H} -> ()

Move to position i of the given handle. 0 Represents stdin, 1 stdout, and 2 stderr.

close close file handle

close H -> ()

Close the given file handle.

readl read lines

readl f:S -> L

Read the entire file at the filepath f as a list of strings, one string per line.

writel write lines

xs:{S | L} writel f:{1 | 2 | S} -> ()

Write the list of strings xs to the file at filepath f, stdout (1), or stderr 2.


rand random value

rand x:0 -> R
rand x:Z -> Z

If x is 0, return a real number between 0 and 1 inclusive. Otherwise, return a number between 0 and x exclusive:

xs> rand 0
0: 0.06343

xs> rand 2
0: 1

include evaluate file

include f:S

Evaluate the file referenced by filepath f in the current context.

measure elapsed time

measure f:F -> R

Measure the time taken to execute function f.

eval evaluate

eval x:S -> *...

Evaluate the given string x in the current scope.